For any questions about the membership process, please feel free to contact us.
Becoming a member of ASACIC is a great way to show your support to the chapter! Click here for a listing by county, city, and zip code of our membership area.
In order to become a member of ASACIC, you must first be a member of the Autism Society of America (ASA). However, if you are not a member of ASA, you can join both ASA and ASACIC at the same time. And ASACIC membership is free!
Benefits of Joining ASA and ASACIC
By joining the Autism Society of America, you help support ASA’s advocacy, education, information and awareness programs. You also receive the following direct benefits:
- Subscription to the Advocate. Published quarterly, the Advocate offers the latest information about research, legislation, and important tips on living with autism. It is a valuable source of education and inspiration to our members.
- Discounted registration fee to ASA’s premier annual national conference on autism.
- Voting Rights. Becoming a member allows you to influence the direction of the society and our chapter, as well as the ability to vote for ASA and ASACIC’s Board of Directors.
- Chapter Benefits. Special member discounts to events sponsored by ASACIC, such as our annual movie event, speakers on various topics, and general support of our organization. We also have a support group that meet regularly.
Send in your application today!