Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the support services offered.
Support Group
Next Support Group Meeting: To be announced.
Our chapter’s happenings are documented in our periodic newsletter, highlighting past events, stores, upcoming activites and much more!
Yahoo Group
ASACIC also has an online mailing list which you can join. By joining this mailing list you will receive the latest news from ASACIC about events we have as well as be reminded about upcoming support group meetings. You can also use this forum to ask questions in between the support group meetings on any topic pertaining to autism and related issues we all face. Click the button below to join now!
School Kit Drive! ASACIC is donating school kits to area schools!
Children with autism spectrum disorder require specialized instruction and unique materials to to reach their potential. The school kits being donated to various area schools by the Autism Society of America Central Illinois Chapter include many items that every teacher working with children on the spectrum can use such as:
- An 8″ time/audible timer
- Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm
- Tally counter
- Three pocket apron
- Sensory items such as pop tube, comet top, and 3 nesting balls
- All of these materials are stored in a convenient portable carrying case